About me
I love images that tell stories. I love moments. I suppose a lot of my work shows realistic and sensitive scenes of everyday life, wherever I am in the world at the time.
I am never without my Leica, my iPhone and a lot of bravado. You need to be constantly looking for opportunities. You need to be quick. You need to be able to see a situation differently. You need to seek out the unusual in the usual and the special moments in the seemingly mundane. You need to be respectful of your subject too. If you show respect to what they’re doing, I usually find, they’re happy for me to shoot it.
I love the candidness of shooting in black and white. I love the way the images combine an almost a documentary style with a clear emotion. I love shooting in colour too of course but it seems my most honest and enduring images always seem to be in black and white.
As Andre Kertesz says “I just walk around, observing the subject from various angles until the picture elements arrange themselves into a composition that pleases my eye. I do what I feel, that’s all. I am an ordinary photographer working for his own pleasure. That’s all I’ve ever done.”
That's all I ever want to do too.